Financial Advisors

Centralize your investment research workflow and save time with AI on the Terminal Pro.

Take your advisory services to the next level

The Terminal Pro is a robust, flexible tool that helps you build and maintain financial models faster and create comprehensive reports in just a few clicks.

Our advanced visualization dashboard and Excel Add-in seamlessly integrate with your workflow, ensuring efficient updates to your financial models. Plus, you can leverage AI to enhance your advisory services.

One-stop shop for your investment process

Save time and avoid siloed processes. It’s time for accurate, comprehensive analysis.

Access to market data: Access out-of-the-box data on 30,000 public companies, including over 15 years of standardized financial statements, regulatory filings, analyst consensus, estimates, and more. We also support macroeconomic data, ETF holdings, indices, currencies, and more.

One-stop data integration: Consolidate disparate data into one unified dashboard with the option to integrate data from CSV/Excel files, third-party data vendors or even proprietary client data. Improve your efficiency and decision-making.

Enhance your advisory services and save time with AI

Doing financial analysis and creating comprehensive client reports often involves labor-intensive processes and manual data analysis.

AI-driven analysis: Our AI Copilot can automate data analysis, highlight key insights, and identify potential risks, speeding up the financial planning process while ensuring accuracy.

Reduce repetitive tasks: Upload and analyze industry reports, client portfolios, or market trends. The AI Copilot extracts and interprets key information, reducing manual analysis time.

Build and update your financial valuations in Excel

Our Add-in for Excel improves your modeling capabilities and supports better decision‑making for your clients.

Build and refresh your valuation models using data from public competitors or your proprietary data. The automatic data refreshes will make sure your financial models are always up to date.

Stop worrying about data accuracy and reliability and focus on your analysis.

Share and communicate insights

Generating accurate and timely reports for stakeholders and compliance purposes is essential but often resource-intensive.

Customizable Reports: Tailor reports to meet the specific preferences and needs of each client, improving client engagement and satisfaction, with built-in charting and sharing capabilities.

Sharing capabilities: Provide clients with access to a secure platform where they can view their portfolio performance and reports, enhancing transparency and trust. Control access levels to maintain data security and integrity.

Case Study

How Planned Solutions is improving their investment research workflow

Discover how the Planned Solutions, an investment advisory firm, revolutionized their investment research workflow with the OpenBB Add-in for Excel and Terminal Pro.

Get started now

Ready to revolutionize your financial advisory services? Contact us today to schedule a demo or to learn more about how we can help improve your workflow.

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