Say goodbye to manually adding data with our Add-in for Excel.
Access a wealth of standardized financial data from various sources directly in your spreadsheets, as part of our OpenBB Enterprise offering.
Focus on what matters
We provide a dependable dataset covering various asset classes like stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, and macroeconomics, allowing you to concentrate on extracting insights instead of collecting data.
Save time with instant updates and easy comparison across providers.
Bring your own data
With OpenBB Add-in for Excel, you will enjoy unrestricted access to data. Data that you bring to OpenBB Workspace will become accessible from Excel directly.
Ready-made Excel templates
Quickly start your analysis with our pre-made templates, which range from equity research to comprehensive discounted cash flow (DCF) or macroeconomic analyses.
Get started with our templates
Equity analysis
Get access to data from the Equity dashboard in OpenBB, presenting key equity information.
Equity snapshot
This workbook compares different stock peers based on their stock performance and fundamental data.